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August 02, 2016


John Zinsmeister

You may not believe how happy we all are to see a post from you. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Jimmy Smithers

I too am absolutely delighted to see you are again active on this wonderful site. I have missed you enormously, as I have discovered so many wonderful books here at Band of Thebes. Please continue to drip-feed us your tasty literary morsels.


I'd actually be happy with just a list of recommended books posted here periodically. I've missed this site so much!


Yes, thank you so very much for this list! I was also so happy to randomly stop here today and find it. Thank you! Thanks, also, for including the link to the Greenwell interview. I'd read (and loved) the novel, but hadn't heard that interview, and thought it was fascinating.


So nice to have you filling my Amazon cart again!


Thrilled to see you back


So nice to find this post, even a month latter. I could never get myself to delete Band of Thebes from my bookmarks. : )

John Zinsmeister

Happy 4th. Hope you & all the family Thebes are doing well.

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