Art by Adam Graphite from Greek Love
Dale Lazarov is a writer of vision. For his erotic gay graphic tales he researches and develops the story and creates the scenes that an artist draws without captions or dialogue. The results speak for themselves. Lest Thebes be forced to send a demigod to pound some sense into you: Yes, this is legitimate writing in the same way early silents or any film's extended montages are written -- a storyteller has plotted a narrative, deciding what events and details to slip in and when to pull out.
Samuel Delany is a fan. Of the brand new ancient adventure Greek Love featuring among others, Eros, Ares, and Herakles, Delany says, "Bluntly put, Dale Lazarov and his artists do beautiful books. I've loved them since the first one I saw--and this one is no different. Sensuous, sexy, hot as hell, it's rough and tender by turns, and if erotic art is your thing, you'll love this one too! It's a pleasure and honor for me to tell you just what a treat lies ahead for you. Buy it, read it, and read it again."
Enhancing his muscular action and rich characterizations, Adam Graphite's coloring is gorgeous. Follow Adam and see more of his work here and here.
Dale's earlier books are Sticky with Steve MacIssac, Manly with Amy Colburn, Nightlife with Bastian Jonsson, and Good Sports with Alessio Slonimsky. Digital editions are available via Selz.
See more art after the jump.
:: manly blush, simper ::
Thanks for the lovely words. :)
BTW, my website, with all our digital editions, is here: :
Posted by: DalelazarovXXX | April 05, 2014 at 09:16 PM