One of my very favorite people dislikes publicity to the exact degree that I admire her: immensely. A careful, thoughtful editor by temperament and trade, she taught me how to eat, speak, read, write, garden, museum-go, and travel internationally... seven of my all-time greatest pastimes. Though I couldn't hope to match her knowledge, natural skill, and intuitive elegance in those activities, it has been an abiding pleasure to fall short in her shadow. Especially now she deserves your respect and gratitude for years of bravery and persistence in the slow task of helping to educate a straight community on lgbt equality, the best kind of local change that ripples nationally.
A voracious, versatile, and adventurous reader, she recommends Hilary Spurling's two-volume biography The Unknown Matisse and Matisse the Master and Andrea Barrett's National Book Award-winning collection, Ship Fever [Kindle], especially the story "Rare Birds."