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February 28, 2012



"And yet didn't the genuine gay Marine homecoming pic that went viral yesterday look like something from an Adam Sandler movie?"

Yup. Ever since my last visit to Boyztown (to say nothing of the Castro), I've been thinking that if gay men had the power to control our media images and create our own culture, every character would be wearing t-shirts that say "This Face Seats Five."

Not that it would necessarily be a bad thing. It's just that we're torn between "positive images" and "authenticity", and there's no agreement about what a positive image is, or who gets to decide. Remember how the leathermen who appeared as extras in Friedkin's "Cruising" said that they were glad to be providing positive images of gay men for a change? I suppose we need a composite figure, split down the middle: half a leatherman with assless chaps, and half Rick Santorum. In drag.

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