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April 05, 2010



It's been known for decades Laszlo de Almásy was gay. That didn't stop heterosexual writer Michael Ondaatje from heterosexualizing his life like so many. Heterosexuals have zero problem heterosexualizing everything and will look at you like they have no idea what they are doing.

Jameson Currier

One of my favorite books and movies--I didn't even know it was based on a true character. Thank you for uncovering the backstory.


I'm siding with Elaine on 'Seinfeld.'

David in Toronto

The novel appears to follow a novella from the 1930s, Karl Capek's Meteor (from Trilogy), which is grafted on to the story of a mysterious historical figure. I've never been comfortable with the English Patient for this reason. I highly recommend the trilogy.


Maybe the vast majority of people- let's say- about 93%- would rather see a good-old fashioned romantic epic of two heterosexuals fornicating behind the good husband's back.

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