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December 02, 2009



A Fantastic piece of work. Thanks for doing it.


Nice list. Next year ask ME what I liked! ;)


Well done!

Daniel Curzon

I am amazed and cheered by the efforts of Band of Thebes. --Daniel Curzon
P.S. You can list my Redroom website on the side if you wish.

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore

Yay -- more books to read!!!

Bob Witeck

Stephen, a magnificent gift to us all for the holidays and to feed our hunger for some very important stories we might have missed.


Yes, thanks for a lovely and useful list. As if I weren't already way behind in my reading...

I followed the links to the original Washington Post article, and of course Dennis Drabelle is an idiot. But other of the Post's critics seem to have been in altered states of consciousness that day. Ron Charles, just ahead of Drabelle, answered a request by a Twilight fan for "popular new series for YA readers that adults can enjoy as well" by recommending Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell -- which is an interesting, well-written, and worthwhile book, but neither a popular new series nor meant for young adults; it's long and dense and I don't think Twilight, or for that matter Harry Potter fans could be expected to like it.

Cynthia Dunn

I love you, Stephen. And I loved Mapping the Territory. If you speak to Christopher Bram, tell him there is at least one straight woman who has been reading gay literature forever. When Monette and Feinberg were still alive. And I always will thanks to all your wonderful suggestions.

Paul Bens

An excellent list. Throwing into the mix "The Silent Hustler" by Sean Meriwether; "A Report from Winter" by Wayne Courtois, and "Remastering Jerna" by Ann Somerville.


What's the deal with Ariel Schrag's use of this opportunity for her own self-promotion? Rechy and the others who enlisted themselves are equally repugnant.

Dean Van de Motter

Good list, Stephen. The one title I would add: Nathaniel Frank's Unfriendly Fire--an excellent dissection of the U.S Military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

Chris Bartlett

I enjoyed this list very much-- but it is a bit disingenuous to call it LGBT-- it is an LG list. Could you ask some trans writers for their recommendations?


A wonderful post - thank you! I shall be wading through the list to add to my already groaning TBB list. Can't believe that people are nominating themselves, though--that's enough to make me NOT want to read anything by them.

Thanks also for listing Speak Its Name on the blogroll, I found this site by accident, via queertype, and I'll definitely be following it from now on.


great list

Joseph Lira

this blog is a great resource, I will tell my cousin about it, not very many good reading list sources for some topics around,
thanks for sharing, the book called "The Mere Future" sounds interesting

Joel Derfner

Jameson Currier has excellent taste.

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Thanks for publishing this article. You helped me to open up my eyes. Thanks for publishing and I'm looking forward to your new posts.


Ohh man great list of All the books.. you should concentrate on fiction books and then also put them in this list.


ohh great.. its really awesome post.. it has let the reality on to faces of peoples..


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i will come again in this website.


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An excellent list of really good books - thank you!


this blog is a great resource, I will tell my cousin about it, not very many good reading list sources for some topics around,
thanks for sharing, the book called "The Mere Future" sounds interesting and i love reading it.. i will come back to read more.. :)

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oppssss..!1 This is one of the refine article in my history, you know we want some more things add in my life and this is the best we can get.. :)


Biometric Safes

An excellent list. Throwing into the mix "The Silent Hustler" by Sean Meriwether; "A Report from Winter" by Wayne Courtois, and "Remastering Jerna" by Ann Somerville. i love these following lines.. " Isherwood does a fantastic job of making the reader feel the freedom and the terror his that characters experience in Berlin during the early days of Hitler's rise to power along with the bliss and confusion of love and friendship in its many forms."


Bingo Hideout

Its a no doubt huge one, if i get to read the whole post damn sure its taking huge one but some of these i have read its really good for our knowledge.

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